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6 Hell on Earth
(Part 1: The Tribulation) “There will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time”
(Daniel 12;1). ******
July 2004 article on describing the sordid details of life in Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison
carried the title “Hell on Earth.” Reporters told of “riots, pris- oner escapes, shooting, corrupt Iraqi guards, unsanitary condi- tions, rampant sexual misbehavior, bug-infested food, prisoner beating and humiliations, and almost-daily mortar shellings from Iraqi insurgents.” 25 I certainly don’t condone the inhumane treatment of humankind, even our enemies; and am quite sure that much of what took place at Abu Ghraib was deplorable. Yet, activ- ity there pales in comparison to the “hell on earth” the Bible says will occur in the span of years just before Jesus’ Second Coming, otherwise known as the tribulation. Despite their
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