FromNowUntilForeverBook8.5x5.5 REV.indd
7 Hell on Earth
(Part 2: The Great Tribulation) “For their will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor every will” (Matthew 24:21). ******
f you asked someone to identify Antichrist candidates from the last 100 years, the name Adolph Hitler would no doubt be a top choice. And is it any wonder? Capitalizing on the instability and vulnerability of post WWI and depression era Germany, Hitler created a movement that eventually led him to the position of chancellor. Once in power, however, the real Hitler surfaced. Establishing himself as an absolute dictator, he launched a program of global aggression and Jewish exter- mination. As a result, the Holocaust ensued and six million Jews were murdered. So it will be with the Antichrist as the tribulation unfolds. As already mentioned, because of his charisma and façade
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