FromNowUntilForeverBook8.5x5.5 REV.indd
seen rehearsals held up because a bridesmaid coming in from out of town got caught in traffic. Receptions get put on hold as caterers scurry to get everything in place.Truth be told, things have probably been much the same the world over throughout the centuries.Time slips away as we reconnect with family and friends. Ironically, what proved to be a disaster in the parable symbolizes a positive in real time.We are living in that period between verses five and six. God is currently delaying the re- turn of our Bridegroom Jesus, extending grace while the Gos- pel is spread to the very ends of the earth (Matthew 24:14). Unfortunately, the five foolish virgins ran out of time when the midnight cry sounded: “Behold the bridegroom! Come out to meet him” (Mathew 25:6). I’m not going into great detail here, since the entire next chapter is devoted to this single point. Suffice it to say, there’s coming a point when the Father will “tap the Son on the shoulder” and say, “Son, go claim your bride.” Only the Father knows when that day is coming. Finally, from our text, consider the sorrowful sepa- ration. Most of us enjoy a happy ending. Unfortunately, this story doesn’t have one, as revealed by the following: Request— Rubbing the sleep out of their eyes, the foolish five asked of the others, “Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out” (Matthew 25:8). If a better picture of our current spiritual climate exists, I haven’t seen it. People are searching for “oil.” Sycamore trees abound with Zaccheuses (Luke 19:1- 10). Countless people search desperately for life’s true meaning. Judging by books in the stores and content in the media, people possess an insatiable curiosity about spirituality. Tragically, they continue to run on empty as we learn from the foolish five. Refusal— In reply to the request of those without oil,
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