FromNowUntilForeverBook8.5x5.5 REV.indd

Some people get a little uncomfortable with a discussion about the rewards of heaven because the focus is on man rather than Christ. But understand, the purpose of these rewards is not for us to parade up and down the golden streets, drawing attention to our accomplishments. Also, I can’t see us display- ing crowns on the mantle like trophies. More than likely, we’ll imitate the twenty-four elders mentioned in John’s vision and place any crowns we have received before the throne of God (Revelation 4:10). Finally, rewards for the believer come in the form of spe- cial privileges . The Bible says that if we enhance our faith with increasing “ Moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love” we can expect an “abundantly supplied” entrance into the Lord’s kingdom (2 Peter 1:5-11), as opposed to barely making it in. In addition to this red carpet greeting, Jesus told of an- other added honor for those particularly honed in on His plan: “Blessed are those slaves whom the master will find on the alert when he comes . . . he will gird himself to serve, and will come and wait on them” (Luke 12:37). There are believers among us who, though prepared, are not watching for His coming. Many of those are part of the “wood, hay and straw” previously mentioned—those who enter heaven by narrowly escaping the flames (1 Corinthians 3:15). Thankfully, millions of faithful saints have lived and are living that can anticipate having their Chief Shepherd wait on them. During a PrimeTime Live interview, Billy Graham was asked, “What do you want people to say about you when you’re gone?” He responded: “I don’t want them to say anything about me. I want them to talk about my Savior.The only thing I want to hear is Jesus saying,‘Well done, My good and faithful ser-


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