Greetings from the President
Journey Towards Excellence Georgia Association of Community Service Boards 18 th Annual Educational Exchange
Welcome GACSB Members and Guests!
Journey Towards Excellence , the theme for this year’s Educational Exchange, speaks to the mission of the GACSB and its member organizations! It is what we do, everyday, in each of our communities! The 2015 Educational Exchange is designed to challenge CSBs to learn more about new directions in health care delivery and to acquire the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to be a successful behavioral health and developmental disabilities services provider in the emerging health care market place. This year we are pleased to announce that Commissioner Frank Berry with the Georgia Department Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities will be bringing us updates on how the partnerships and collaborative efforts, which have been building across Georgia, have produced positive results for individuals in need of services. While Dr. Linda Wiant, Chief of the Georgia Department of Community Health’s Medicaid Division will speak to the State of Georgia’s Medicaid program, including important challenges being faced, her goals for the future, and how behavioral health, and specifically CSBs, fit into her vision. We are proud to introduce the first ever full‐day session by Dr. William “Bill” Schmitz, Jr. which will further our membership’s suicide prevention skills in assessment & management. As well as a tag team approach for our full‐day Intellectual/Developmental Disability Track covered by Dr. Joseph P. McEvoy, Dr. Bryan Dague, and Michelle Robinson. Be sure and review the complete agenda for other plenary sessions and workshops that I am sure you will find beneficial in serving your communities. As always we have invited not only nationally recognized experts in our field, but also resident experts from right here in Georgia. Special thanks are due to the Educational Exchange Planning Committee for their efforts in creating an exciting and informative agenda. In addition to Dr. Kay Brooks who chairs the committee, the members are Dr. Joseph Bona, David Sofferin, Dr. Glyn Thomas, Lyly Trinh and Robyn Garrett. Please enjoy your time at Chateau Élan Winery & Resort and absorb all that you learn! We extend our appreciation to our generous sponsors and exhibitors for their support and we appreciate our member organizations for attending this annual learning exchange!
Gail Macrenaris President
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