
GACSB Consultants

Strategic Healthcare Partners, LLC (SHP) provides association management services to the GACSB including headquarters staffing and communication services. SHP is a strategic healthcare consulting firm with locations in Douglasville and Savannah. SHP offers global healthcare financial and decision support consulting services to health care providers. SHP also provides managed care consulting and overall business support services to the GACSB membership through Select Systems. The firm currently provides services to over 30 hospitals with more than 900 physicians, in addition to the 23 Community Service Boards in the State of Georgia.

Mike Scribner SHP Principal Contact: 912.657.6304

Robyn Garrett GACSB Executive Director Contact: 912.312.3205 Email:

Jesse W. Hambrick, Jr GACSB Deputy Director Contact: 770.490.5182 Email:

Cameron Vickers GACSB Business Intelligence Data Analyst Contact: 912.704.6290 Email:

Douglasville (GACSB) Office 3150 Golf Ridge Boulevard, Suite 202 Douglasville, GA 30135 912.704.1729 Savannah Office 7505 Waters Avenue, Suite F9 Savannah, GA 31406 912.691.5711

Lyly Trinh GACSB Member Services Coordinator Contact: 912.704.1729 Email:


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