Meet Our Speakers
Robert Bell
Director of Community Support
Georgia Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD)
Contact: 404.561.4483
Robert.bell@dbhdd.ga.govDr. Joseph Bona
is presently the Chief Executive
Officer and Chief Medical Officer of the DeKalb
Community Service Board. He is also Adjunct Clinical
Professor of Psychiatry at the Emory School of Medicine
and the Medical College of Georgia.
Dr. Bona is originally from Buffalo, NY and earned a
Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology and English at Canisius
College in Buffalo, and a Medical Doctorate at the State
University of New York at Buffalo. He completed
psychiatry residency training and chief residency at the
Duke University Medical Center in Durham, NC; and
earned an MBA at the University of South Florida in
Prior to his present role, Dr. Bona served as ViceǦChairman of the Department of
Psychiatry at Emory and Director of Schizophrenia Research. He has published numerous
peerǦreviewed articles, book chapters and maintains a research interest in psychotic
disorders, psychopharmacology, early episode schizophrenia, primary care integration
and service delivery structure and policy.
Dr. Bona is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, Immediate
PastǦPresident of the Georgia Psychiatric Physician Association, and Distinguished Fellow
of the American College of Psychiatrists. He was awarded the Georgia Psychiatrist of the
Year for 2016.
Dr. Bona and his wife Laura live in Sandy Springs, Georgia and have a daughter who
attends UCLA School of Law.
Joseph Bona, MD, MBA
Chief Executive Officer and Chief Medical Officer
DeKalb Community Service Board
Contact: 404.294.383͠