
Meet Our Speakers

Sheryl Arno started her career 26 years ago. She has worked in various agencies throughout Atlanta. Her claim to fame is she helped start inclusive postǦsecondary education in the state of Georgia. She was the founder of the program at Kennesaw State University along with their faculty. She currently is the program coordinator for the Georgia inclusive PostǦSecondary Education Consortium. There now 6 colleges in the state of Georgia serving approximately 100 students throughout the state. She previously served on the DeKalb Community Service Board. Sheryl is also the executive director of the Down Syndrome Association of Atlanta and serves as a Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Advisory Council Member.

Sheryl Arno Executive Director Down Syndrome Association of Atlanta Consultant Ability Matters Contact: 770.310.1236 Email:

Robert Bell has worked with individuals with Intellectual/developmental disabilities since 2001 as a Support Coordinator, in a management position with a Support Coordinator Agency, and for the last 10 years for the state of Georgia in a variety of roles for DHR and DBHDD. These roles include among others Family Support Manager and his current role, Director of Community Supports for the Division of Developmental Disabilities, DBHDD. He is a graduate of Davidson College with a BS in Economics.

Mr. Bell is an active member of the Atlanta Track Club. Additionally in his leisure time he volunteers at The Link Counseling Center providing aftercare when suicide occurs and Metro Atlanta Recovery Residences. Married to Carrie, they live in NE Atlanta, Georgia.


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