Dan Howell
Director, Division of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
Georgia Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Disabilities
Contact: 701.269.4406
dan.howell@dbhdd.ga.govStacie McEntyre
is the Founder, President, and Chief
Executive Officer at Veritas Collaborative, a specialty
hospital system for the treatment of eating disorders. She
is a Certified Eating Disorders Specialist and has a 25-year
track record of excellence in treatment, program
development, and advocacy within the field of eating
Stacie is keenly invested in eating disorders certification
for treatment professionals. She believes that both
clinicians and eating disorder treatment facilities must
function with best-practice, evidence-based models of
care. She serves on the International Association of Eating
Disorders Professionals Board of Directors and on the
Standards Committee for the Residential Eating Disorders
Stacie McEntyre, MSW, LCSW, CEDS
Founder, President & Chief Executive Officer
Veritas Collaborative
Contact: 919.908.9730