Association of Community Service Boards for over five years and was the Chair of the
CEO Interest Group for a total of six years. He is currently the Chair of the Benchmarking
Committee for the GACSB.
Thomas W. Ford, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Lookout Mountain Community Services
Contact: 706.638.5584
tomf@lmcs.orgGlyn V. Thomas, PhD
is currently CEO of Unison
Behavioral Health. Until recently he also contracted with
Strategic Healthcare Partners to advise and assist the
members of the Georgia Association of Community
Service Boards, Inc. in gathering and analyzing data on
their financial and clinical performance.
He began his career in Scotland at the University of
Stirling as a lecturer (assistant professor) in psychology,
teaching and conducting research in learning and human
development, and in clinical psychology. In 1974 he
served as Visiting Assistant Professor in Psychology at
Bucknell University, PA. Subsequently, he was appointed
full professor of psychology at the University of Birmingham in England, and eventually
Head of the School of Psychology there. In addition to extensive teaching and
administrative responsibilities, Dr. Thomas was active in research, publishing over 70
papers in research journals, and making numerous presentations at scientific
meetings. He is a Member of the Experimental Psychology Society and a Fellow of the
British Psychological Society. On leaving the University of Birmingham in 2001 he was
appointed Emeritus Professor of Psychology, and came to the USA to join his wife, Sheila,
who was working in Georgia.
Soon after arriving in Georgia, he was appointed Organizational Development Director at
Satilla Community Services (currently known as Unison Behavioral Health), based in
Waycross. In that capacity, he developed a balanced score card methodology for tracking
financial and clinical performance, devising several customized assessments of clinical
outcomes. In 2005 he was appointed Executive Director to Satilla Community Services,
and served in that capacity till 2011, rejoining that organization as its CEO again in 2014.
Since 2007, Dr. Thomas has worked through the Georgia Association of Community
Service Boards to coordinate the benchmarking initiative established by the Association’s
President, Sarah Roach. This collaboration of chief financial officers and quality directors