Dr. Mark Johnson is currently the CEO of Gateway CSB, on the Georgia coast, an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis, and lives in Savannah. He came to Georgia after 17 years in community mental health leadership in Missouri where he participated in the development of clinical metrics, use of claims paid data for improvements in quality of care, and implementation of integrated health care homes for FQHC’s and Community Mental Health Centers. Born in Pulaski County, Kentucky, Mark holds a BA from Eckerd College, St Petersburg, FL, where he majored in Social Psychology and minored in African American Studies. Following pre-med studies at Stetson University
he graduated from the University of Kentucky College of Medicine and trained in psychiatry at the Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic and Hahnemann University in Philadelphia. Until becoming CEO at Gateway he practiced outpatient medicine at BJC Behavioral Health in St Louis, where he managed a number of cost centers and grants which featured a combination of motivational interviewing, case management and peer support to assist consumers with making recovery oriented healthcare behavior changes. Three children, three grandchildren. A single source coffee aficionado.
Mark C. Johnson, M.D. Chief Executive Officer; State Appointed Manager Gateway Behavioral Health Services Contact: 912.554.8490 Email:
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