FROM ThE PublIshER Happy New Year! It’s hard for me to believe we are entering our 6th year of publishing Just 4 Families Digest. It is an absolute pleasure to bring our publication to you each month. A few days after Christmas, I received a call from a retiree. He told me our article on “how gratitude can transform your life”, actually transformed not only his holiday season, but his life. His gracious call made my day, plus gave me renewed enthusiasm toward our upcoming issues for 2013. Making a difference, no matter how big or small, is our foremost objective. This month, we focus on video games and our daily use of technology. As with all of our subjects, we present pros and cons as opinions on this topic, not as judgement or criticism. Certainly, we do not have the definitive answers to these complex topics, but hope our articles will simply provoke thoughts to help you find a balance for you and your family. I don’t know anyone who was not affected by the EN R TO WIN !! Bubbles and Brushes
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tradgey at Sandy Hook elementary. Personally, it caused me to make some unpopular changes in what I accepted inmy household. For me, I simply can’t allow violence in my home and it helped me to honor these victims in this way. Am I saying I believe violent video games caused this tradgey? Absolutely not, but the chance that they were a part of a devastating recipe of violence gave me pause. I think in that quiet, we find our own answers. Finally, please visit our participating advertisers and let them know you saw their ad in Just 4 Families Digest. They have quality services and products for you and your family and bring Just 4 Families Digest to you FREE each month. Our monthly issues are available at nearly 400 locations, plus all the Kroger stores. Don’t forget our digital version available 24/7 on our website. www.j4fd.com
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