
wither, the child of God can anticipate an incorruptible crown in heaven. A recent major motion picture recently released titledWin- chester, starring Academy Award winning actress Helen Mirren, is based on the life of SarahWinchester, heiress to a fortune that came from the famed rifle bearing her name. Living in the late 1800’s, Sarah was well-known, powerful, rich, but miserable.When her only daughter died at five weeks of age and her husband passed soon after, she was left along with her name, money, memories – and guilt. That guilt drove her west to San Jose, California, where she purchased an eight-room farmhouse with 160 acres. For the next 38 years, builders worked 24/7 building her mansion which included six kitchens, 13 bathrooms, 40 stairways, 47 fireplaces, 52 skylights, 160 rooms, 467 doors, 10,000 windows, and a bell tower – certain- ly too much house for one person, though Sarah didn’t think she was alone. According to legend, every evening at midnight, a servant would ring the bell to summon visiting spirits. For the next two hours, she would visit with her “guests;” after which they would return to their graves.Who were these spirits? U.S. soldiers and Indians killed by bullets from the most popular rifle in the country, theWinchester.What brought death to thousands brought millions of dollars to her – sadly, a fortune she would never enjoy due to the harrowing guilt that came with it. You don’t want to follow in the footsteps of SarahWinchester, no matter how big the fortune. Stop blaming yourself for sins you’ve been forgiven of, things you didn’t do, or situations and events over which you had no control.A better life awaits.


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