
15 Fearfully and Wonderfully Made “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14).


I read recently about a woman who received this word of counsel from her doctor after having undergone a facelift procedure: My dear, I have done an extraordinary job on your face, as you can see in the mirror. I have charged you a great deal of money and you were happy to pay it. But I want to give you some free advice. Find a group of people that love God and who will love you enough to help you deal with all the negative emotions inside you. If you don’t, you’ll be back in my office in a very short time with your face in far worse shape than before. That certainly lines up with a poll taken by author, psychol- ogist, and Focus on the Family founder Dr. James Dobson among a large group of healthy, financially secure, happily married women with children.When asked to name their number one source of depression among a list of ten possibilities (aging, lack of romance, problems with children, loneliness, etc.), the overwhelming top response was low self-esteem.


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