
Dysfunction in families- Sadly, jealousy rises up and wreaks the greatest havoc among those we love the most. In our text we can see the rift that resulted among Moses and his siblings. Recall my mention of Joseph and his brothers in Genesis. For years, the family floundered in turmoil while his father Jacob, languished in grief, thinking Joseph was dead. Consider the unnamed older brother in Jesus’ parable of The Prodigal Son.The father arranged a banquet when his son, the younger brother gloriously returned home from his rendezvous of rebellion. Everyone was thrilled, except for the older brother, who jealously complained, “Look! For so many years I have been serving you and I have never neglected a command of yours; and yet you have never given me a young goat, so that I might celebrate with my friends” (Luke 15:29). Pastoring multi-generational churches for nearly 30 years, I encountered repeated instances of families that rarely get togeth- er and hardly speak, even those that live in close proximity to one another. Such conflict is often rooted in jealousy. Disrupted fellowship- Observe that “Miriam was shut up outside the camp for seven days, and the people did not move on until Miri- am was received again” (Numbers 12:15). Not only did her sin result in isolation for her, the entire body of people no doubt wrestled with questions and confusion. Often, in these instances, factions develop and sides are chosen.The fact that so many new churches are popping up in strip malls, schools, movies theatres, and other places can no doubt be attributed to jealousy induced disruption of fellowship. Delayed progress- Carefully note that Miriam’s quarantine took a week.As you can see, the Israelites couldn’t break camp and advance until she was restored. Such is the case with jealousy.The Spirit is quenched, the aroma of sweet fellowship fades, and the Kingdom’s progress bogs down. Take Saul, who spent a lot of time and energy pursuing David


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