According to Edmund Burke, “No passion so effectually robs the mind of its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.” 56 “Fear, if allowed to reign,” said John M.Wilson, “would reduce us all to trembling shadows of men, for whom only death could bring release.” 57 Elijah personifies that. EnemyTrap – Elijah reigned victorious over false prophets on Mt. Carmel by keeping his focus on God. However, when threats from Jezebel ensued, his thoughts shifted to her. Earlier in my ministry I got an anonymous letter, severely criticizing my work at the church I served at the time. I had heard of others who received such notes, but this was a first for me.And even though this incident was isolated and unwarranted, it threw me for a loop. I was obsessed with the letter for a while, but never found out who sent it. I eventually put it behind me, having learned a valuable lesson--don’t let detractors that pop up periodically determine your outlook. ComparisonTrap – We gain further insight into Elijah’s plight through his statement, “I am not better than my fathers” (1 Kings 19:4). Rather than center his attention on God and the present, he fretfully measured himself against people from his past, thus aggravating his deteriorating state of mind. Despite Peter’s denial (see Mark 14:66-72), Jesus reinstated him during one of His post resurrection appearances beside the Sea of Galilee. Once Christ revealed to this repentant disciple his future fate, Peter turned toward John and inquired, “Lord, and what about this man?”-To which Jesus replied, “If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you?You follow me!”(John 21:22). Comparing ourselves to others triggers trouble every time. There’s always going to be someone out there richer, younger, smarter, thinner, prettier, and with lots more friends than you have. Blame trap – Elijah increased his misery by condemning himself for the failures of his people. Likewise, many people slip into a depressed state through displaced blame.
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