“a heavenly one . . . a city God had prepared for them (vss. 13-16). Like David and these other great men of faith, you, too, can you rest assured that a better life awaits once you leave this earth. This is not something about which you should be in doubt.The Bible teaches that you can know that you have eternal life (see 1 John 5:13).That assurance comes by way of a personal relationship through Jesus Christ. If there’s never been a time you’ve received Christ and voiced the sinner’s prayer, please consider that now (see Appendix 1). During the Great Depression, a good man lost his job, savings, and home.Adding to his grief was the sudden death of his wife. His faith was all that remained and it was faltering. One day, while going through the neighborhood looking for work, he stopped to watch some men doing the stonework on a church building. One worker in particular skillfully chiseled a trian- gular piece of rock. Curious as to what the rock was for, he asked, “Where are you going to put that?”The worker pointed toward the top of the building and said, “See that little opening up near the spire?That’s where it goes. I’m shaping it down here so it will fit in up there.” Eyes full of tears, the good man walked away, understand- ing the symbolism behind the stonecutter’s words and finding fresh meaning to his difficult situation. Like David, your life may be facing more than your share of stress. Bad as it may seem, it has a purpose and is only temporary. He is “shaping you down here so you will fit in up there.” Seek the Lord, allowing Him to walk you through with the power and pres- ence of the Holy Spirit.
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