presented to the Christ Child as a babe and the women also brought sweet spices to Jesus’ tomb to anoint His body.There was no need of course since He had risen – “Himself being precious myrrh of sweet fragrance.” 82 As a result of His death, burial, and resurrection, every- one receiving Him as Savior takes on the sweet fragrance of Jesus. Her fellowship was severed. “I opened to my beloved, but my beloved had turned away and had gone! I searched for him but did not find him (Song of Solomon 5:6). One can only imagine the anguish she must have felt when the man was not at the door. “Wait a minute preacher,” one might question, “if this man represents God, why is He not there when she opens the door? God would never leave us, right?” God is always present, yet we may not always sense His presence. He’s not there to be turned off and on like a light switch or taken on and off like an article of clothing. Scripture says, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked” (Galatians 6:7). As the Life Application Bible paraphrases, “Don’t be misled; remember that you can’t ignore God and get away with it.” Our delays and disobedience quench the Spirit.We certainly see this fleshed out in the saga of our bride, noting: Her appeal went unanswered. “I called him but he did not answer me” (Song of Solomon 5:6). No doubt, anguish turned to panic when he didn’t even respond to her calls. “When I called, they did not listen; so when they called, I would not listen, says the Lord almighty” (Zechariah 7:13).Although God had blessed His chosen people throughout the generations, they turned their backs, hardened their hearts, and stopped up their ears. Whether it’s doing what we shouldn’t or not doing what we should, God takes our submission and obedience very seriously. According to saints from a previous generation, we’re not on “praying ground” if our hearts are not right before God.The Bible says, “If I regard wickedness in my heart,The Lord will not hear” (Psalm 66:18).The woman had a temporary meltdown and her plea went unanswered. In addition to that:
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