
If you know for sure that you’re saved, yet stand under con- viction because of sin, don’t ignore your guilty conscience. Sin induced guilt is like infection in your body. Left unaddressed and untreated, it’s going to spread, ultimately causing the following problems. Guilt crushes our confidence – The guilty man lives in inse- curity, fearing that he’ll be exposed.As the Bible says, “The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, but the righteous are as bold as a lion” (Proverbs 28:1). This brings to mind a story about Sir Arthur Conan, creator of Sherlock Holmes, who sent the following telegram to twelve of his highly respected friends: “Fly at once, all is discovered.”Within twenty-four hours, these men of noble reputation had taken a trip out of the country. 85 Police often make their biggest arrests when stopping people for minor violations.Turns out some perpetrators flee thinking the officer knew about a bigger crime. Is guilt keeping you from being all God wants you to be? Guilt hinders our relationships – For starters, guilt hinders our relationship with others. Recall the bride from the last chapter. The bond between her and her husband was temporarily severed when she failed to answer his call. Fortunately, she quickly came to her senses. Unfortunately, many bound by the chains of guilt choose otherwise, often becoming aloof and isolated.They communicate on a shallow level, avoiding honesty and transparency. Worst of all, guilt soils our relationship with God.The Bible says, “Your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear” (Isaiah 59:1). Although sin and guilt don’t take away the salvation of the believer, they can sure make life miserable and un- fulfilling.As David testified, “For day and nightYour hand was heavy upon me” (32:4). Guilt damages our bodies – This heaviness was not only


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