Microsoft Word - Auria Hourly Handbook December 2021 - FINA
AURIA provides paid vacation on a 12 month basis for all regular full-time employees. The amount of vacation for each employee is based upon a 40 hour work week and the number of years of continuous service.
The vacation year for hourly employees runs either from June 1 st –May 31 st or January 1 st – December 31 st depending on your location.
Hourly Employees Years of Service
Vacation Allowed
30 Days 1-5 Years 6-12 Years 13-20 Years 21-25 Years
40 Hours on 31 st day after hire date
80 Hours 120 Hours 160 Hours
8 Hours each additional year, up to 200 Hours. (ex. 21 Yrs =168 Hours; 22 Yrs =176 Hours)
Employees are not eligible for vacation accrual the first 30 days of employment. On the thirty-first day after date of hire, an employee will be awarded vacation time of 40 hours, until the beginning of the next vacation year. An hourly employee becomes eligible for additional vacation hours based on years of service. They shall be eligible for additional days on the first day of the vacation year of the employees’ 1 st , 6 th ,13 th and 21 st through 25 th year of service. In the event of a voluntary termination , unused vacation will be immediately forfeited, and the employee will not receive a payout for unused vacation time. However, if an employee voluntarily resigns employment and provides at least two weeks’ written notice of the resignation, the employee is eligible to receive a lump sum payment equal to the amount of unused vacation time the employee accrued provided the employee does not use vacation, sick days, or take other time off between the time the notice is provided and the resignation date. In the event of a termination due to Reduction in Force or Layoff, the employee is eligible to receive a lump sum payment equal to the amount of unused vacation time the employee accrued. Hours paid for vacation time taken will be counted as hours worked and will be counted in computing eligibility for overtime. Any vacation payout will not be counted in computing eligibility for overtime.
The Company expects employees to fulfill their obligation when called to participate in the judicial process at the local, state and federal level. Employees will be excused from scheduled working hours as needed for jury duty. Upon return from jury duty, employees must provide to Human Resources, the court documentation supporting the time absent. Jury duty pay will be paid for hours between Monday and Friday that the employee was regularly scheduled to work. Hours paid as Jury Duty will not be counted in computing eligibility for overtime.
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