Microsoft Word - Auria Hourly Handbook November 2021 - FINA
6. Employees who are selected for the new job opportunity under this procedure are ineligible to sign up for another job opportunity for at least six months. The company has the right to amend this policy based on business needs.
Our Company maintains and administers the necessary regulations and disciplinary policies in a fair and consistent manner. It is the obligation and responsibility of all employees to conform to those rules and regulations that are applicable to their work assignment. The Company uses a “progressive discipline” system where a less severe type of discipline is usually administered before more severe disciplinary procedures are used. However, the Company reserves the right to begin the disciplinary actions at any step listed below depending on past practice and/or on the nature and seriousness of the offense committed. 1. Documented Counseling (Verbal) – a written notice issued to an employee indicating seriousness of offense and warning that more severe discipline up to termination of employment may result if the problem is not corrected or continues to occur. 2. Written Warning - a formal written notice issued to an employee indicating seriousness of offense and warning that more severe discipline up to termination of employment may result if the problem is not corrected or continues to occur. 3. Final Written Warning - a formal notice to employee indicating that termination of employment may occur if the problem is not corrected or continues to occur. Suspension may be used in conjunction with the Final Written Warning. 4. Termination of Employment
It is the intention of the Company to openly communicate to all employees its expectations regarding workplace conduct. Employees are urged to use reasonable judgment at all times and to seek supervisory advice in any doubtful situation. The examples of unacceptable conduct listed below are to provide employees with guidelines as to the type of misconduct that could lead to disciplinary action. This list should not be considered as all-inclusive. Should instances of unacceptable conduct arise that are not included in the following examples, the Company reserves the right to initiate disciplinary action.
Violation of any of the following rules may lead to documented disciplinary action up to and including termination.
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