Microsoft Word - Auria Hourly Handbook November 2021 - FINA
Violations of this policy can result in discipline, up to and including termination of employment. Note that Auria is aware of its obligations in regard to protected concerted activity under the National Labor Relations Act, and none of the prohibitions contained in this policy are intended, nor will have the actual effect of, infringing upon those rights.
G. Information Technology / Internet Policy
This policy outlines the obligation of all AURIA sites regarding Internet connections. An internet connection is defined as a communications service provided through companies or individuals supplying internet browsing, http, html, email or any other internet service through direct wired (wide area network, cable), dial up wireless or any other means of communications. This policy states expectations regarding internet related services usage and security. 1. Applicability This applies to all AURIA departments, business unites, office and locations. This policy may also apply to joint venture, start up and business partner sites as necessary or requested. 2. Scope of Policy This policy governs the obligation of the applicable sites, as described above, to follow these regulations with a collective goal of providing protection from unauthorized internet access into AURIA’s confidential, proprietary and trade secret information located on central computer systems, individual personal computers (both desktop and laptop) and any other computer or network equipment in use by the Company. Proper security and anti-virus protection is required as a safeguard against imminent internet related threats. Required internet access will be provided to AURIA sites under the direction of Corporate Information Technology (CIT) as a secured service, and will include firewall, proxy, anti- virus, and other security services as required. 3. Policy All access points between AURIA sites and the internet, whether direct or indirect, will be approved and managed by CIT. Internet access points not meeting these criteria are in violation of this policy and will be disabled immediately. The Company further expects that all known access points between AURIA sites and the internet that have not been reviewed and approved by CIT be immediately reported to the CIT network manager. These access points will be addressed on a case-by-cade basis and modified as needed to ensure optimal security is present in all connections between AURIA networks and the internet. CIT will be using software tools to monitor the number and types of internet access points, and therefore, compliance with this policy and/or failure to abide by this policy will result in disciplinary actions up to and including termination.
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