NEXT Booklet 7.13.22

HOST TEAM First Impressions

Our team creates a comfortable environment for our guests and members by sincerely greeting and acknowledging from the parking lot to the sanctuary Guest Experience Our team provides helpful information, clear directions and appropriate next steps for our guests Hospitality Our team creates warm, inviting, and excellent environments where guest and members connect through drinks and refreshments Sanctuary Prep Team (Sunday Morning) Our team provides a comfortable environment for our guests by preparing each seat in a way that eliminates distractions and indicates we were expecting them Security Our team ensures the safest possible environment is maintained for guests and members in different areas of the church (background check required) Ushers Our team supplies a comfortable and safe environment for guests by welcoming them and offering assistance to make engaging with the service both easy and distraction free Facilities Our team coordinates with the facilities manager with repairs, preparation, and the opening/closing procedures of LGC

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