Time to let
A new study by the National Retail Federation indicates that ads on shopping carts and at the checkouts may be fairly useless. The reason is that adults are more interested in getting Ad- verse Conditions
out of the store and managing kids. As a result, these ads have little influence on them. The study, based on data from Prosper Insights & Analytics, found that direct mail and coupons have a bigger influence.
Sometimes it’s best to bite the bullet and realize when you’ve held onto things – or stores – too long. That’s the position of Marks & Spencer, which has been losing market share for years. As a remedy, the chain developed a massive five-year store- closing program in the UK and overseas markets – including its iconic store on Paris’ Champs-Élysées, proving that profits trump panache any day.
Do people spend more on their pets than their kids? FungGlobal Retail and Technology reports that pet industry sales are set to increase 4 percent this year to about $62.75 billion. Gains are expected in all categories including food, accessories, OTC medicines and vet care services. But this isn’t all. Technology-enhanced products, including cameras and wearables are attracting attention. Pet Bonanza
Mi Casa, Su Waffles!
Food delivery for lunch and dinner isn’t new. But if you’re craving waffles there’s a new delivery service for just that. Smash Waffles has begun operating out of Greenville,
N.C. and uses private commercial kitchens to make waffles which are then delivered to customers. They have a regular weekly lineup and weekly special flavors smashberry, a blueberry waffle stuffed with
whipped cream and topped with cream cheese icing and
shortbread crumbles. Waffles sell for about $15 per half dozen or $21 for a full dozen, plus delivery fee.
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