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in the refrigerator. Keep it in the original packaging, and place it on a rimmed baking sheet to catch any juices. Defrosting this way usually takes about five hours per pound. What size turkey should you buy? The size of the bird matters because the bigger the bird, the more meat there is in proportion to the bone. For birds less than 16 pounds, the experts say, figure on at least 1 pound of turkey per person. If you are cooking a larger turkey you can estimate a little less. If you want substantial leftovers, figure in another ½ pound per person. Another option is to roast two, smaller turkeys (10-12 pounds) because they fit better in the refrigerator and roasting pan. They also cook more quickly and evenly. Ever wake up Thanksgiving morning with a frozen turkey? Bet the first question is “can I bake it anyway?” Good news! The U.S. Department of Agriculture says yes. It recommends that you check the label on the turkey and add 50-percent worth of extra cooking time for a frozen bird. For example, if the directions say a thawed turkey should take about five hours to roast then add another 2.5 hours if your turkey is frozen. And don’t even think about injecting the secret marinade or stuffing it with your grandmother’s cornbread recipe. It’s if frozen keep it simple, and get it cooked. If you want to play it safe, buy a fresh turkey.The USDA suggests purchasing one
no more than two days before you roast it. How long should a thawed or fresh turkey roast in the oven? A general rule of thumb offered by the USDA: An unstuffed turkey that’s 20-24 pounds will take about five hours at 325 degrees. If the turkey is stuffed, add another 15 minutes to the cooking time. The agency operates a 24-hour meat and poultry hotline if you want more information (1-888-674-6854). #2 Da’ Meat Drying out the turkey breast is always a worry. Even if you roast at a steady 325 degrees, the turkey breasts sit at the highest point in the oven, getting the most heat. They often overcook before the rest is done. Aluminum foil can help. My mother soaks cheesecloth in butter and drapes it over the top of the turkey. Other ideas include cooking the turkey upside down for the first hour, then flipping it (a lot of extra effort) or soaking your bird in brine, a solution of salt, water and seasonings. Brine reduces moisture loss during cooking to as little as 15 percent, experts say. There are many recipes on the Internet for both the wet-brine and dry- brine methods of roasting turkeys.
Cooking for company — especially during the holidays — makes people crazy. It just does.How do you parse out oven time when you have multiple cooks in the kitchen with stacks of sides to warm up or rolls to brown? What to do when guests are running late? Or two show up as vegans? According to cooking professionals, the secret to a success is all about planning ahead and thinking on your feet. #1 Da’ Bird If you are serving turkey, make sure you buy it several days before the big day. A general rule of thumb is to buy a frozen turkey one week early, giving it plenty of time to defrost
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