Nov-Dec-2015_Pg 11_no bleed
the Holiday Entertaining issue
At Season’sPeak
Apples Nine different varieties of apples are grown in Washington State, and that’s just one of the states we source apples from throughout the year. Fall and early winter apples are crisp. Most are out of hand apples, meaning they’re perfect eaten raw. Look for Honeycrisp, Braeburn, Fuji, Red Delicious, Pink Lady, Golden Delicious, Gala, Jazz and Granny Smith right now in our Produce Department. Storage: Keep inside the crisper drawer covered with a slightly damp paper towel. Apples emit ethylene gas, which speeds up the ripening process, so keep them away from ethylene-sensitive fruits and vegetables. Easy as Apple Pie: Pink Lady, Granny Smith and Honeycrisp are three of our favorites for apple pie. Cut apples into quarters or eights and use a paring knife to remove the core. Sprinkle with lemon juice to prevent browning. Rouses Dietitian Says: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Research suggests that frequent apple-eaters have lower risks of cardiovascular disease and stroke.
Pears Bosc pears are some of the prettiest pears we sell. Sweet and crisp, and with their brown skin and slender necks, theymake a beautiful addition to a holiday centerpiece. You can poach most varieties of pear, but Bosc hold their shape when heated, which means dessert will look as pretty as it tastes. Anjou pears are also great eating pears. Short, squat bright green Anjou pears have a smooth, juicy flesh; red Anjous are sweeter and milder, with just a hint of spice. Both are perfect on a cheese board, salad or sandwich. Keep in mind that pear slices, like apple slices, will oxidize and turn brown. Add a squeeze of lemon juice to prevent browning. Bartletts are best for baking. Mild, green-gold Bartletts have a thin, delicate skin and sweet juicy flesh. They also smell great. Red Bartletts are sweeter. Storage: Ripe pears can be stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. To ripen pears quickly, store at room temperature in a brown paper bag (turn occasionally to keep from browning). Rouses Dietitian Says: Pears are helpful for digestion problems and nausea, and research also suggests they can help lower the risk of stroke.
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