FromNowUntilForeverBook8.5x5.5 REV.indd

• Lacks empathy and is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others • Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her •Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes 4 We’ve come to expect these traits in the realms of pol- itics, business, sports, and entertainment. Unfortunately, it’s now rampant in the ministry.Too many pastors have become builders of their own kingdoms, rather than the Kingdom of God, preying on others rather than praying for them. A desire to be liked, successful and in control, coupled with intense insecurity, creates the perfect storm. Unfortunately, aided by uncommitted and uninformed parishioners, this condition will worsen as the EndTimes approach. Materialism (lovers of money)—A 62-year-old man, suffering from a rare disease that makes a person want to eat money, recently walked into the emergency room of the Cho- let General Hospital in western France. “French doctors were taken aback when they discovered the reason for the patient’s sore and swollen belly: He had swallowed around 350 coins: $650 worth.”The man had a history of psychiatric illness and his family warned physicians that he sometimes swallowed coins. A few had been taken from his stomach in past hospital visits. Nevertheless, doctors were amazed at what they saw on the x-ray. An enormous opaque mass, found to weigh twelve pounds, showed up in the patient’s stomach. It was so heavy that it forced the man’s stomach down between his hips. Five days after the man’s arrival, doctors removed his stomach and its contents. Sadly, the patient died within days. 5


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