FromNowUntilForeverBook8.5x5.5 REV.indd

the plagues of Egypt (Exodus 7-10).Yet, they differ because they move quicker and are more severe, effecting people from the very beginning.Whereas the trumpets are geared more to- wards bringing sinners to repentance, the purpose of the bowls is the implementation of God’s wrath upon those who refuse to change their ways. As John records, “The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth; and it became a loathsome and malignant sore on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshipped his image” (Revelation 16:2). And even though further bowls brought on rivers of blood, scorching sun and darkened skies, those marked by the beast still wouldn’t come to Christ. Plagued with pain and sores, they blasphemed God rather than give Him the glory due His name (Revelation 16:4-10). When the sixth bowl arrives and is emptied, three evil spirits come forth in the form of frogs from the mouths of the dragon, which represent the unholy trinity. They’ll turn worldleaders against Christians, a repeat of what took place at thehands of the Roman emperors during the first century, only much more severe. “Flashes of lightening and sounds and peals of thunder; and . . . a great earthquake, such as there had not been since man came to be upon the earth” Revelation 16:18) , came forth as the seventh bowl was poured out. John saw islands flee, hail- stones fall and cities of the nation collapse (Revelation 16:17- 21). At that point, a loud voice came forth from the throne proclaiming, “It is done!” (Revelation 16:17), meaning the mass destruction orchestrated by the unholy three. Notice also that while those bearing the mark of the beast are suffering from the wrath of God, believers alive at the time will experience His divine protection. I touched on this in the last chapter but would like to build upon it now. Remem- ber during the three and a half years the angel crying out to the


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