Souper Stars by Sarah Baird
sign, Cancer moon sign and Cancer rising sign, for those playing along at home) and figure there’s no time like the new year to dive into a hobby head first. So, no, I can’t tell you if you’ll find a soul mate this year, or whether or not a major career change is the right move. That kind of stuff is above my pay grade, so I’ll leave it to the professionals. One thing I do know, however, is the power of soup — glorious soup — and how it can serve as a life- elevating force at even the lowest of moments. So, without further ado, here are my recommendations for the perfect tomato soup for 2019 based on your zodiac sign. Go forth and slurp, astro-friends. (Oh, and for all signs: Tucking half of a gooey grilled cheese next to your soup bowl is definitely recom- mended in the yearly forecast.)
MAYBE IT’S THE WAY THE PLANETS ARE ALIGNED — OR AN ATTEMPT AT FINDING SOME GUIDANCE IN THE WORLD — BUT ASTROLOGY IS EVERY- WHERE (REALLY, EVERYWHERE) THESE DAYS. The once quasi-fringe mystical practice has gone almost completely mainstream, along with the more widespread adoption of crystals, tarot and other rituals long reserved for those with more of a witchy or “woo-woo” bent. Not to be left out of this unusual new trend, food magazines have gotten increasingly in on predicting what people should eat or drink according to their sign, from cocktail picks appropriate for the retrograde, to dinner menus planned in accordance with an upcoming eclipse. I’ve always been a little fascinated by astrology (I’m a Pisces sun
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