
rouses means local

Communities grow together. On any number of holidays, you’ve likely dashed into a Rouses Market at some point to pick up an item you forgot to get on your previous trip — some ingredient that makes or breaks your famous casserole, some seasoning you thought sure you had at home but didn’t. Or maybe you’re picking up theThanksgiving turkey, cooked and with all the fixings. Maybe it’s Halloween, and you’re preparing to see the delighted faces of children wearing superhero costumes and holding out hollow plastic pumpkins. Cakes on birthdays, crawfish for graduation celebrations, “grazings” for Super Bowl parties, cabbage for New Year’s Day.With each of these events and all of this food that you bring into the most intimate occasions in your home, any Rouses employee will tell you that providing the necessary goods is a humbling responsibility that Rouses takes very seriously.We are one community. To shop at Rouses is to shop at a local, family-owned company that carries local products. Many of those products are so successful that you might not even have known they were from Rouses local areas. And as Rouses has grown over the last 60+ years, we have never stopped finding the best local products, the best local produce, the best local meats and seafood. Together we have grown, Rouses and the community, in a spirit of entrepreneurship.


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