Shake Ya
Our pork-and-rice boudin is a Rouse Family Recipe that goes back three Louisiana generations. We also have new spins on the Cajun classic, including cauliflower boudin and a Pepper Jack version.
And our boudin balls are made fresh and sold fresh in our Butcher Shop – they’re perfect for tailgates.
You can’t fake Cajun!
Bacon-Wrapped Boudin WHAT YOU WILL NEED: 24 pieces Rouses Pecan Smoked Sliced Bacon 12 Rouses Boudin links
HOW TO PREP: Crosshatch 2 pieces of bacon around each boudin link. Grill over indirect heat at 400 degrees until bacon and boudin are both crispy, about 30-45 minutes. Rouses Bacon-Wrapped Jalapeno Peppers are stuffed with Rouses Green Onion Sausage and cream cheese. You can cook them the same way.
JULY•AUGUST 2019 photo: Romney Caruso
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