Gourmet Burger Blends ARROW-CIRCLE-RIGHT Our gourmet burger blends include our signature Bayou Boy Burger with jalapeño cheddar cheese and bacon, and Green Onion Sausage and Bacon Burger , made with our fresh green onion pork sausage. You can also make your own burger blend by mixing 50/50 ground meat and any of our fresh pork sausages. We make them in-house with Rouse Family Recipes that go back three generations.
Alternatives to Beef
ARROW-CIRCLE-RIGHT Mighty Spark blends whole food ingredients with premium cuts of poultry. And with every purchase of Mighty Spark all-natural chicken or turkey patties, you are helping to stop hunger worldwide. Mighty Sparks donates one meal for every package purchased, with the monetary equivalent of a minimum of 1 million meals annually.
ARROW-CIRCLE-RIGHT Butterball turkey burgers might just replace your favorite beef burgers. We carry Butterball fresh, all-natural lean ground turkey, frozen lean ground turkey, and fresh and seasoned frozen turkey burgers. Butterball ground turkey is generally lower in saturated fat than beef, but still cooks up nice and juicy.
ARROW-CIRCLE-RIGHT We carry a variety of vegetarian options, including Impossible and Beyond Meat , which are plant based patties and ground that cook just like beef. Impossible gets its protein from soy and potatoes. Fat from coconut and sunflower oils make it sizzle when you cook it, just like a beef burger.
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