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HWY. 1 RIBS (TIM’S 3-2-1 METHOD) Serves 6+ Advertising & Marketing Director Tim Acosta shared his

the membranes on the hollow side of the ribs by inserting a thin knife or other sharp object between the membrane and the rib. Scrape the membrane off the bone; grab it with a paper towel and pull it off by hand. Repeat with the remaining ribs. Mix together all ingredients for the rub. Coat the ribs with the yellow mustard to create a sticky base for the rub. Sprinkle the ribs on both sides with the rub and rub it in a bit, making sure you have full coverage. Place in fridge for a couple hours or overnight. Set up your smoker for cooking with indirect heat at about 225°F and add the soaked wood chunks. (If your smoker has a drip pan, use it.) Once the smoker is ready, place the ribs bone side down on the smoker grate. Smoke the ribs for 3 hours, unwrapped. Remove the ribs from the smoker and place the first rack on a large piece of heavy-duty aluminum foil, and pour half of the apple juice over it. Wrap up the ribs well. Repeat with the remaining rack. Put the packages of ribs side by side on the smoker. Close the lid and leave the ribs to cook for 2 hours. Take the foil-wrapped rib packages from the smoker and carefully remove the foil. Top the meaty side of the ribs generously with honey. Place the ribs with the flesh side up on the smoker, close the lid and leave to cook for 1 hour, opening every 20 minutes to add more honey.

mouthwatering rib recipe with us for this issue. His recommendation? Spritz the ribs with apple juice before wrapping them with foil, and slather them with honey for the last hour of cooking. Ça c’est bon!

WHAT YOU WILL NEED: FOR THE RIBS 2 (or more) racks of St. Louis-style ribs Dry rub (recipe below) ½ cup yellow mustard ²⁄₃ cup apple juice ½ cup honey Barbecue sauce of your choice FOR THE RUB 3 tablespoons dark brown sugar 2 tablespoons paprika powder 2 tablespoons salt 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper 1 tablespoon onion powder 1 tablespoon black pepper 2 teaspoons garlic powder 1 teaspoon Colman’s Dry Mustard HOW TO PREP: Soak a handful of applewood, hickory or pecan chunks in water.

Take the ribs out of the smoker, and slather them with barbecue sauce before serving.

Remove the ribs from the package and rinse under cold water. Pat dry or set on paper towels to dry. Remove

PAIRS WELL WITH BACKYARD BBQ ARROW-CIRCLE-RIGHT Jack Daniel’s Can Cocktails can be enjoyed on the go, straight from the fridge or out of the cooler. They’re made with real Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey. Enjoy the crisp, refreshing and unmistakable taste of a perfectly mixed Jack Daniel’s & Coca-Cola; the refreshing taste of Ginger Ale; or the fresh-tasting Tennessee Honey Lemonade. All are great additions to the backyard BBQ. ARROW-CIRCLE-RIGHT Casa Azul Tequila Soda cocktails are crafted with real tequila from Jalisco, Mexico, sparkling water, natural fruit flavors and agave nectar. They’re available in Watermelon, Peach Mango, Lime Margarita and Strawberry Margarita flavors. ARROW-CIRCLE-RIGHT Coco Hard Coconut Sparkling Water combines real coconut water with triple distilled vodka or white Caribbean rum.



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