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the Saints’ #mycausemycleats game every year, and my grocery shoes had me feeling like Taysom Hill. #mygrocerymyshoes. I wrote a speech thanking the Rouse family, the company, and all the people who have been so instru mental to my career. But the night before the award, Stephanie Reid, president of The Shelby Report and an executive at WGA — and a friend and mentor — told me that WGA unfortunately didn’t have time for me to make my speech. I can be a touch verbose, so it occurred to me that someone might have warned Stephanie that once I started talking, I would never get off the stage. But she assured me it was just a jam-packed schedule, and I wouldn’t even have a microphone. Honestly, I’d been more worried about remembering my Spanx than my speech. Stephanie graciously introduced me at the ceremony, detailing my career milestones and the impact I’ve made in my field. It was very heartfelt. She also included some personal accomplishments that have shaped who I am today. When Stephanie finished, I strode onstage, took a photo, did my best beauty queen wave, and walked off. I didn’t even say thank you. Afterwards, Kacie, Amanda, Mary Ann and I walked the floor in our whimsical shopping cart crowns. We were greeted with warm smiles and applause. At one point, we joked that we had taken so many pictures, we might even find ourselves featured on the packaging for new products. I shared snippets of my speech with everyone I met, so I got to tell my story after all. I wasn’t the only one winning an award at the NGA. Rouses Markets was also honored as an Exceptional Independent by The Shelby Report during the ceremony. This marked our second consecutive win in as
many years, a testament to our dedication and excellence in the industry. That night, we all went to dinner at the most fabulous restaurant in Vegas, Papi Steak, where Golden Era Hollywood swagger meets modern day Miami energy. The ambiance was electric, and the food was unfor gettable. Afterward, we hit the dance floor, ready to keep the celebration going. Now, there is no set closing time in Nevada for bars. But The Piano Bar at Harrah’s closed at 2am, and Harrah’s Carnaval Court closed at 3am – you should have seen our faces when they each announced last call! It was probably a good thing, though. The next morning, I was sure I was going to wake up to find a tiger in my bathroom — or worse, missing a tooth. Then, the next weekend, my friends in New Orleans threw me a big party to celebrate. One of my best friends from Atlanta even who rides in Muses and makes the best shoes, using images from our ads and magazine. Luckily, they must have ordered the hat a little big; after my Las Vegas adventure, and with my head all swelled from the excitement and accolades, I needed that extra room! A huge thank you to Donny Rouse, Scott Miller, Tim Acosta, Lee Veillon, Amanda Kennedy, Kacie Galtier, Mary Ann Florey, Jason Martin olich, James Breuhl and Brian Bosworth for making the trip to Vegas with me. You are the best entourage ever. To Kristin Popp (president of the WGA), Heidi Huff, Stephanie Reid, Tess Hohman, Lesia Stahl, Shellie Wood and all the members of the WGA. And to Greg Ferrara, the President and CEO of the National Grocers Association. flew in for the occasion. To my delight, they surprised me with a custom-made MarcyMakesGroceries cowboy hat, beautifully decorated by my friend Mollye,
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