Shane “Pecos” Galamore, of Pinson, AL is the first and only Head Baseball Coach at South Paulding High School. He has been coaching baseball as well as many other sports for the past 19 years. He has also served as the Boys and Girls Cross Country Head Coach and assisted with the softball and girls basketball in past years at South. Coach Galamore is the lead ISS instructor and also facilitates the K12 program, which is a credit recovery program. Prior to this experience, he spent 4 years as an assistant coach at Alexander High School in Douglas County, GA. Prior to his Alexander experience Coach Galamore spent 7 years as a junior high, high school, and college coach at the following Alabama schools: C O A C H G A L A M O R E - Head Coach · Birmingham-Southern College (baseball graduate assistant) · Hewitt-Trussville High School (head 7th grade football and basketball, and head 8th grade baseball) · Homewood High School (head 7th grade football and junior high track) · Mountain Brook High School (head 7th grade football, varsity girlʼs basketball assistant and head JV, and varsity baseball assitant and head 8th and 9th grade baseball) · 2000 University of Alabama at Birmingham - Birmingham, Al. (Masterʼs in Education) · 1997 Birmingham-Southern College - Birmingham, Al. (Elementary Education/Educational Psychology Degree) · 1994 Jefferson State Community College - Birmingham, Al. (Liberal Arts Degree) · 1992 Pinson Valley High School - Pinson, Al. (Advanced Academic Degree Education: · 2007 Summer - Perfect Game WWBA Scout 16U, 17U, & 18U · 2008 Summer - Team USA Coach - Coach Galamore was part of the Task Force which assisted in the development and team assembly with the 18U National Team. The event was held in Cary, NC during the month of June. They went on to win the silver medal in Canada, Korea, Gold) · 2008 September - Helped coach the Top Southeast Prospect - held at East Cobb and put on by Perfect Game · 2009 Region 7-AAAA Coach of the Year · 2010 All-State Senior Baseball Coach · 2011 Region 5-AAAA Coach of the Year · 2010-2012 Under Armour Team One evaluator – staff member that selects the Under Armour All American East Squad St Louis Cardinals scout - beginning Summer 2012 Elevated Baseball Coaching Experience: He and his wife, Vicki, have been married for 14 years and have five children and 2 grandchildren, Ashtin 25 (Kaylee 6 and Aubree 4), Matthew 17, Grey 12, Emalee Rain (January 20-August 31) and Annabella Lee “Little Girl” 8 years old. They reside in Dallas, GA. His hobbies include any sporting event, fishing and Alabama Football-ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!! Personal:
Our mission is for our players to be more successful in life because they were involved in our program, by the principles and values that weʼre able to develop by playing for us. - Coach Galamore
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