

We were the happiest of parents when you, your sister and brother were born. Gifts of love sent by GOD with a pre-determined notion that Mom and I knew what we should do from the days you were all delivered. I can recall how nervous we were as young adults, and then delivered on the 13th of February we assumed you and us would be doomed from the start. With Alaura and Hudson, you have turned out to be the polar opposite! You all have completed our family and are just what Mom and I needed. You have ourished in everything you have ever set your heart in doing. From schoolwork, to baseball, to the lives of the people and friends who you have touched nothing was ever too di cult and no one was ever an afterthought. Your smile illuminates a ball room, and your kind heart brings warmth in the darkest of times. We are extremely proud of ALL your accomplishments, and we are here to cheer on the ones to come. As a parent at birth, we couldn’t wait to give you all a home, comfort and a meaning of life. Watching you all grow into the young adults, you have in turn given us the meaning of life, comfort and gave us the meaning of life. We are forever grateful for what GOD has delivered us and how he holds his hands on you. We are so proud of you, thankful for your work ethic and we can’t wait to see what is in store for your future!

Class of 2023

We love you, Son!

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