clinics and assuring certification of all required persons in their Association, as specified in the Parks and Recreation Coaches’ Certification responsibilities. The Certification Officer must provide the Athletic Certification with a complete list of names of all coaches at the beginning of the season. (c) The Association using the services of a person required to be certified, who is not certified, shall be in violation of these rules and regulations. Random checks will be made during the season to assure compliance with the certification requirements. (d) All coaches and assistant coaches must have a criminal background check on an annual basis. The consent form is furnished by the Douglas County Parks and Recreation Department. (See Appendix C) 3.2 Non-Resident Policy It is the primary responsibility of the County to provide programs and facilities for the residents of Douglas County. However, non-residents of Douglas County also have the privilege of using and enjoying the County’s Park system. Therefore, a “Non- Resident Policy” shall be in effect for both individual and group participation in programs and reservation procedures in community Parks and revenue-producing facilities for participants who do not reside in Douglas County. (a) Director/Officers: The Executive Board ( NO IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS MAY HOLD EXECUTIVE BOARD OFFICES AT THE SAME TIME) (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) shall be residents of Douglas County and remain residents during their term of office, except as specifically approved by the Director of the Parks and Recreation Department based upon demonstrated need by the Association. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no exemption shall be authorized for the President, or anyone who would act in the place of the President in his/her absence. The MAJORITY of the Board of Directors must be residents of Douglas County and remain residents during their term. (b) Registration and Participation: Dates for all Association’s registrations will be set by the board at its meeting prior to each sport’s season. Dates, times, and locations of the registration period will be published
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