3.19 Program Requests Associations wishing to expand their program within the Park shall submit a written program outline to the Department. This proposal must be received a minimum of thirty (30) days in advance of the date planned to begin promoting the program. Associations may not provide programs in direct competition with Department sponsored programs. The Department will review the program for benefits and need as well as the indirect cost to the Department caused by the program. No program shall be initiated without Department approval. 3.20 Amendments The Department may, at its own discretion, make amendments to this manual as required to meet the existing needs of the Department or the program with the approval of the Douglas County Board of Commissioners. 3.21 Naming of Parks and Memorials No Douglas County property (i.e. Parks, fields, buildings, pavilions, roads) may be named or dedicated for someone by anyone other than the Douglas County Board of Commissioners. No permanent memorials may be placed on any County property without permission from the Department and approval of the Douglas County Board of Commissioners. Applications will be accepted for consideration through the Department and forwarded to the Douglas County Board of Commissioners for approval. (See Appendix G) Permit to Close a Field All fields are open for public use except when the Associations have scheduled games, practices, maintenance, repair, and in the circumstance of inclement weather. The Department reserves the right to alter or cancel a scheduled activity in any Park when it decides that such use would damage facilities, or would not be in the best interest of the user’s general health and welfare. Any Association’s individual team who willingly plays on a field and causes unnecessary damage may be assessed a fee to recoup repair costs. C HAPTER 4: O PERATIONAL P ROCEDURE FOR A SSOCIATIONS 4.1
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