


NAME: This Constitution and By-Laws shall serve as a guideline for the Douglas County Youth Sports Athletic Associations sponsored by the Douglas County Parks and Recreation Department (DCPRD), including but not limited to Douglas County Soccer Association, Fairplay Park, Post Road Park, Winston Park, Bill Arp Park, Deer Lick Park, Mount Carmel Park, Boundary Waters Park, and Woodrow Wilson Park. Any future formed or reorganized Association shall not be a for profit organization chartered by the State of Georgia and subject to this Constitution and By-laws. Existing Associations in good-standing with the County and with current Park Use Agreements as of the adoption of this Constitution and Bylaws will be exempt as provided in the handbook including as provided in Section 2.1 and therein, or as otherwise provided herein. Unless exempt, all Associations shall be constituted with a Constitution and Bylaws as provided herein and in the Douglas County, Georgia Parks and Recreation Department Community Sports Manual a/k/a handbook. ARTICLE II PURPOSE: This shall be a Community Sports Manual, Constitution and By-laws which serve as a written contract, clearly defining the role and responsibility, between the individual parties and or members, Association and Department. This shall serve as an enforcement tool of the Associations, individuals and / or members and Department to comply with as a contract of general rules, regulations and guidelines to provide and promote a harmonious atmosphere for the recreation, skills, sportsmanship and leadership of Douglas County youth and their sports programs. The purpose of the Constitution and By-Laws Policies and procedures manual is to create a county-wide set of regulations. These regulations will be administered by the governing bodies of each Association under the direction and monitoring of the Parks and Recreation Department.


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