Temple 2017_final_single
Chuck Jindrich is in his 6th year as Director of Bands at Temple High School. He has been the Director of Bands at Villa Rica Middle School (2004 – 2011), Temple High School (1999 – 2004) and Putnam County High School (1998). He has been teaching in the field of music for over 19 years. Mr. Jindrich received his B.M. Degree in Music Education, and M.Ed. in Educational Leadership and Super- vision at the University of West Georgia. He is a member of several professional organiza- tions including Georgia Music Educators Association, National Association for Music Education, and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. Un- der his direction his bands have shown rapid growth, consistently earned superior rat- ings at concert and marching events, and have won numerous first in class awards. He currently resides in Carrollton, Georgia with his wife Jennifer and two children Ethan and Jenna.
Cherri Simmons is the Assistant Band Direc- tor. She is married to Alan. Cherri is origi- nally from Cedartown, and currently lives in Hiram, Ga. She is a graduate of JSU with a BA in Music Education. Cherri partici- pated in Marching Southerners, where she played flute, mellophone and was a color guard. She is a founding member of Center Stage Winter guard, participated in Pep Band, was a member and section leader in A Capella Choir and Camber Singers. Sim- mons taught elementary music for 16 years and the last 8 have been in Carroll County at Sharp Creek. She has taught & judged col- or guard and band at several high schools across GA. She is a Member of GMEA & Sig- ma Alpha Iota.
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