Temple 2017_final_single
Ms. Puckett THS Assistant Principal
Tiger Fans,
Welcome to the 2017 season of Temple Tiger Football! We are excited to have Coach Ward and the coaches, the athletes and cheerleaders working hard to bring us a season of success. Mr. Jindrich, his staff and the band members are committed to excellence with their phenomenal performances and en- thusiastic support! Being a Temple Tiger, not only means football, but all sports, clubs, extra curricular activities and academics. I hope that each student excels academ- ically and will find an activity they can become excited about and find suc- cess and enjoyment in. Extra curricular activities offer students the oppor- tunity to learn teamwork, wholesome values, a good work ethic, character and leadership skills. Thank you Tiger Fans for your continued support! I am honored to be a part of the Temple Family and to serve Temple High School as Assistant Principal.
Go Tigers! Lisa Puckett Assistant Principal
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