Time Georgian_2016 GRADUATION MAG
Temple High School
Arista Richie
Lauren Rudy
Garrett Seader
Jesseman Sedlak
William Rice
Erica Scheerer
Grant Seymour
Morgan Silvas
Ashley Steele
Alexis Simmons
Destiney Smallwood
Virginia Speights
Courtney Steele
Tylor Stone
Matilia Stpreux
Caitlin Taryla
Austin Taylor
Shania Tolbert
Savanna Tomblin
Sherri Lyn Walker
Brianna Weathington
Dakota Weaver
Dominic Welch
Tyler Weldon
Elizabeth White
Kaitlin Williams
Santana Willis
Jessica Wyatt
Quentin Wynn
Felix Zimbron
Not Pictured:
Keep moving forward, openeing new doors, and doing new things...your curiosity will lead you down the path of success - Walt Disney
Bishop, Nathaneal Blankenship, Tylie Caldwell, Viasia Davis, Jason Dupree, Bryan Ghanem, Regina Hotchkiss, Kristopherl Jones, Joshua Lawhorn, Ashton
Maceus, Jeanay Martinez, Chrystelle Migdalia Lorente Moore, Lauren Phillips, Cameron
Smith, Kirsten Souder, Daija
Vaughn, Jeanette Wilkerson, Carlos
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