Times Georgian- 2016-07-20 - welcome home revised
Randall was talking to the crowd before the show began. Lo and behold, Parrish tripped and she and the entire cake landed on the stage floor. Both Redding and Parrish ended up laughing while the audience also broke out in a boisterous burst of laugh- ter,” said Pesnell. “Another funny incident occurred last year when Rhonda Vincent was waiting to go on stage and one of her shoes got stuck in a floor vent. Parrish and I had to help Vincent retrieve her shoe so she could perform with both shoes,” Pesnell added. The night of the Shedd Tribute, Chef Josh McCors- ley took some food to Toby Keith’s bus to fill up the refrigerator. “I just closed the cooler and Keith comes out of the shower with a towel wrapped around him. It was a strange moment but he loved my food and I gave him enough dinners for the band to take on the road,” said McCorsley. Another tale is when Mel Tillis had to go to Walmart because he left his luggage at the airport. “I did not know that Tillis was putting different clothes on and asking customers how this shirt looked while people were taking pictures. I found out about the inci- dent on Facebook at midnight…great memories for the town of Bremen,” Parrish said. “If you give the patrons great entertainment and food at a fair price, they will spread the news about Mill Town. My friend, Rhubarb Jones, told me if you will take care of the artists and feed them well, they will come back and they have,” said Red- ding. “God has really blessed us and continues to do so. My team
is as dedicated to serving the community as Tena and I are,” Redding added. The venue is in the middle of adding a dining room that will seat 60 people for a variety of uses plus two new bathrooms will soon be installed in addition to acoustic sound baffles which will help reduce any reverberation and airborne noise. Recently, The Academy of Country Music implied that Mill Town Music Hall will be nominated in the Small Venue Cat- egory next season. Tour Busthe star-studded schedule that Mill Town Music Hall has for 2016, the sixth year should be better than the former 12 months.
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