Times Georgian- 2016-07-20 - welcome home revised
day in Atlanta at the Georgia Bar building. During the interview there were around 20 members from the Judicial Nominating Com- mission on one side of a long conference room table asking questions and I was at the other side of the table having to address each ques- tion,” said Hightower. “The nominees were scaled down to the short list (four), and each of us had a one-on-one interview with the Governor. After the Gover- nor selected me for this great honor, I had to immediately jump into action because I had pending cases in our law firm. In addition, the Superior Court Judge who initially retired from his position did so in January so the Coweta Judicial Circuit was in need of having this position filled quickly,” Hightower stated. “An attorney’s name and reputation is extremely important, especially in a small town. I could not leave Mike with this load of clients that were depending on me, and Miller & Hightower to represent them. I contacted each client personally and followed our conversation up with a letter reiterating Moore’s DISCOUNT FURNITURE We have free delivery up to 35 miles with a with qualifying purchase.
the situation and their options,” Hightower added. “Almost every client was very understanding, and many expressed true excitement for Dusty and his new position. Further, once it was explained that Chris and I would be handling their case moving forward, the clients knew they were still in good hands, and many clients already knew Chris and were excited to have him handle their case,” added Miller. “In public service your goal is to put others before yourself. Mike Miller, as a Douglasville City Councilman, and I as a State Repre- sentative have tried to live our lives and run our firm my putting others before ourselves. I know Mike and Chris will keep that same philosophy moving forward as Miller & Wynn, “noted Hightower. Miller & Wynn assists clients regardless of the size or value of the case. They consider themselves advocates for the public to ensure that everyone’s rights are protected. Miller & Wynn’s slogan is “Your Partners in Your Time of Need.”
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