Times Georgian- 2016-07-20 - welcome home revised
student’s guide
C A R R O L L T O N C I T Y S C H O O L S UPHOLDING EXCELLENCE a tradition of since 1886
Hollis Hudson, a kindergartner in CES Teacher of the Year Amy Ware’s class, concentrates hard to finish his worksheet.
The Carrollton City School System is one of only 21 city school districts in Georgia – and one of the oldest. Estab- lished in 1886, the district’s history is rich and broad, with a well-established tradition of excellence that consistently produces high-level educational opportunities, creating a quality public school community that meets the intellec- tual, physical, social and emotional needs of all students. Vision, Mission & Guiding Principles
Much of the school system’s suc- cess can be attributed directly to the stability and high-level leadership of the school board and superintendent’s office. Over the years, many board members have served for decades and current chairman, Dr. James C. Pope, elected to his ninth consecutive term in 2015, is the longest-serving member in the board’s history. The su- perintendent’s office has been just as steady as Dr. Mark Albertus, named to this post earlier this year, is only the seventh since World War II. In 2014, Carrollton City Schools successfully petitioned the Georgia
Department of Education to become a charter school system. The result- ing union means all Carrollton City schools will have more flexibility to be innovative while at the same time being held to a higher standard of academic performance – a win-win for the Carrollton City School System and the families it serves. The school system not only serves the children of Carrollton, but others who may enroll as non-resident, tuition- paying students. In fact, roughly a third of the system’s enrollment is made up of these students who have opted to become part of the tradition
of excellence the school system has enjoyed for more than a century. To learn more about enrollment criteria, contact the district office at 770-832- 9633 or visit the system’s district web- site: www.carrolltoncityschools.net. Among the school system’s amenities is a centralized 130-acre campus that houses four schools serving about 5,000 students: Carrollton High School (9-12), Carrollton Junior High (7-8), Carrollton Middle School (4-6) and Carrollton Elementary (PreK-3). A non- traditional program that serves older students, the Carrollton City Schools Performance Learning Center, is
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