Times Georgian- 2016-07-20 - welcome home revised
student’s guide
Construction of a 42,582 S.F. Performing Arts Center is also underway to be located behind the Board of Education office and fronting Old Newnan Road. The Performing Arts Center is designed to seat 1,100 people in a modern, technologically advanced setting, and it will be the most acoustically calibrated performance facility of its kind in the west Georgia area. The Performing Arts Center will provide students with a venue to showcase their talents in music and other fine arts programs. Construction on the Performing Arts Center is scheduled for completion in the spring of 2017. Community Partnerships Along with providing community-based schools and state-of-the-art facilities, the Carroll County School System recognizes the importance of integrating community, education and industry. The District partners with the University of West Georgia and West Georgia Technical College to offer dual enrollment programs to high school students seeking post-secondary opportunities as they fulfill graduation requirements. Carroll County students choose from academic and/or career tracks and follow an individualized learn- ing program designed to develop their interests and prepare them for further education. Additionally, the 12 for Life program, a partner- ship with the Southwire Company, is an impor- tant part of ongoing efforts to prepare students for the workforce. The program provides job ex- perience and academic support in a Southwire manufacturing facility. 12 for Life has received national recognition, and the Carroll County School System was recently awarded a two-year, seven hundred thousand dollar Innovation Grant to further enhance the program in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Teaching, Learning, Leading The Carroll County School System is commit- ted to providing excellence in premier learning environments and to develop globally competi- tive college and career ready graduates. The District takes pride in the impact it has on the citizens of Carroll County and is focused on the long-term success of the students, staff and communities it serves. For more information about the Carroll County School System, contact the superintendent’s of- fice at 770-832-3568, or visit www.carrollcounty schools.com.
T E A C H I N G , L E A R N I N G , L E A D I N G
Committed to Excellence Focused
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