Times Georgian- 2016-07-20 - welcome home revised
contract, our team was outstanding and we would have received an award if we were members of the Associated General Con- tractors of America. In addition, RKR com- pleted another condominium contract in Orange Beach, Harbor Cove,” added Red- ding. Redding is a firm believer in customer rela- tions. His parents operated several restau- rants and young Redding had the opportu- nity to visualize how to treat clients so they would return time and time again because of the quality and service. He has utilized this mantra with RKR. “I am grateful that people have allowed us to build their structures and to believe in this company. We have worked hard to earn their respect. With the many referrals from our clients, we have achieved long term relationships with school boards, universities, churches among other ac- counts,” Redding stated. “In Douglas County, RKR constructed a competition gym for Alexander High School where teams from different divisions come to compete for state championships,” Steven Hill, RKR Vice-President of Marketing and Employee Services, stated. “We also built the First Baptist Church in Douglasville and the Church at Chapel Hill,” Hill added. Hill has been involved in West Georgia Habitat for Humanity. “When I told Redding about the house in Bremen that volunteers were going to build, he (Redding) pulled out all the stops for RKR to use their resources to help with the construction. I did not ask him for anything and it turned out that this house was eventually erected with the low- est budget in West Georgia Habitat history,” stated Hill. RKR also renovated the former Higgins General Hospital in Bremen when Tanner Health System assumed control over
the facility, The West Georgia Technical College Allied health Services Building in Newnan and additions/renovation to Pauld- ing County High School. RKR’s activities in West Georgia have re- sulted in $807,018,974 gross revenue which, according to some economists, can result in a Multiplier Effect. This economic theory indicates that as more revenue is poured into the local economy, more workers will spend additional money thus creating a demand for local services, like automobiles, housing, restaurants and other purchases. In Carroll County, RKR has also been active over the years. “At West Georgia University, we were contracted to build the new Book Store and over a 10-year period helped the university add buildings for the Greek Vil- lage. One of our most prestigious projects was being selected to build the Georgia De- partment of Veterans Services Trinka Vet- erans Clinic in Carrollton,” Richard Lusk, RKR Executive Vice-President/COO and Chief Estimator, said. Lusk has been with the company for 23 years, joining RKR a week before graduating with a Construction Management Degree from Georgia Institute of Technology. “In slow times, we tried to keep our employees on the payroll. Redding has always been devoted to helping the em- ployees and their families,” added Lusk. Ad- ditional Carroll County projects involved Roopville Baptist Church and the last ex- pansion of Tanner Health System. RKR has received innumerable awards (11 from 2008-20015) from the prestigious As- sociated General Contractors of America: Paulding County School Cluster, Univer- sity of West Georgia Greek Village, Georgia Tech Boggs Nuclear Radiation Lab Reno-
vation, Trinka Davis Veterans Village, and Rockmart Middle School are just a few of the projects that have garnered First Place Honors. The company has also earned acco- lades from Georgia Trend Magazine, Atlan- ta Business Chronicle, and Inc. Magazine. Redding was President of AGC Georgia from 2014-15, President of UWG’s Founda- tion Board, and served on the Tanner Foun- dation Board and Mt. Paran Church Board. Unlike most companies, RKR tithes to many non-profit organizations in Georgia like Al- ice’s House, Young Life, Pregnancy Resource Center, Tanner medical Foundation, West Georgia Habitat for Humanity, Paulding Ed- ucation foundation, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Construction Technology Program at Spalding High School. “Tithing is very important to our company. Giving back to the communities that we serve, es- pecially our home town Bremen, Georgia, is part of our mission statement, added Red- ding. On April 21, 2016, The City of Bremen and Haralson County Chamber of Commerce paid homage to Redding and R.K. Redding Construction Company. Other West Geor- gia Chambers of Commerce were also in attendance to show their appreciation for RKR’s contributions to education programs and non-profit organizations over the years. The company received a Proclamation and Official Announcement for RKR Day in Haralson County. “RKR has recently been asked to serve as the Construction Manager on a very important Georgia project involv- ing an entertainment facility,” stated Red- ding. R.K.Redding Construction Company continues to be a community-based organi- zation in West Georgia but they also remain a force in the Southeast. WELCOME HOME 2016-2017 - 7
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