16 Two Miraculous Meals “ . . .and they ate and had some left over, according to the word of the Lord” (2 Kings 4:44). ******** R eturning to Gilgal from ministry in Shunam, Elisha faced a reality experienced by Elijah years before. Ministerial highs are often followed up by times of testing. In the wake of exhilaration comes tribulation. Just as Elijah hit bottom in the aftermath of a great victory on Mount Carmel, Elisha faced a crisis of his own following spiritual success in Shunam. As we examine our key text for this chapter, 2 Kings 4: 38-44, note the following: Famine in the land- It would be nice to say this was a rarity in those days. Unfortunately, such was not the case. Recall that our jour ney began with a three-and-one-half year drought, which brought about a severe famine during the early years of Elijah (1 Kings 18:2). In fact, research reveals that ten major famines took place over a period of two millenia (1850 B.C.- A.D. 46). 1 The first
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