
17 Wash and be Cleansed “. . . and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy” (2 Kings 5:14) ******** E nglishman Edward Studd made a fortune in India in the 19th Century. Losing a bet to a friend, he agreed to attend a revival service where D.L. Moody was preaching. Once there, he sat on the first row, never taking his eyes off of the speaker. Returning night after night, he was soon converted. Although he only lived another two years, it was said at his funeral that he accomplished more in that time than most people did in 20. Following his conversion, he withdrew from racing. He gave a horse to each of his three sons for hunting purposes and sold the others. Clearing out a large hall at his house and equipping it for services, he invited hundreds of merchants and businessmen from London to come and hear the gospel preached. Studd’s coachman put all that happened in perspective.When a guest remarked to him that he had “heard that Mr. Studd had become religious, or something,” the coachman responded, “Well


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