
Elijah to accomplish what you’re about to read, but rather the Spirit of God that rested upon him. And now that Jesus has died on the Cross, raised from the dead, and ascended to the right hand of the Father, we have that same Spirit, not just upon us but within us as well. You’re no doubt familiar with Al Capone, arguably the most notorious gangster in American history. But have you heard of Frank Loesch? During the prohibition years, Capone ruled Chi cago with an iron first and loaded gun. Local and state police, as well as the FBI, were afraid to oppose him.Yet Loesch, an unas suming Christian layman, without government support, formed the Chicago Crime Commission, eventually putting Capone away. He risked his life and those of his family and friends, living out his faith and accomplishing what others weren’t able to do. Likewise, Elijah, a person just like us, represented God, risking his life, combating evil and achieving unexplainable results; due in part to the fact that he was available and influential.What’s keeping you from doing the same?


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